CRIBPOINT Stock Supervisor - Drawer Control

Tool and item storage in electronically locked drawers.

CRIBPOINT TM Stock Supervisor Drawer Control provides secure and easy access to material stored in individual Lista cabinet drawers.  The process involves entering a password and selecting an item. Then the drawer where that item is located unlocks providing access to the material and re-locks before another drawer can be opened.  The CRIBWARE software tracks the material usage and reorders when the stock runs low. Returned items are also tracked for re-use.

Stock Supervisor III controls the issuing, returning, receiving, restocking and transferring of items in a secure, easy to use system. Password entry is required and tracked by CRIBWARE. Once items have been added to the check out list, the user then selects an item and clicks UNLOCK. A LED indicates which drawer is unlocked.  Only the drawers containing the items on the list are unlocked.


Handles most all material geometry sizes


Stock Supervisor cabinets provide the greatest flexibility and reconfiguration capability of any automated storage device and can be added as auxiliaries to other CRIBPOINT vending systems.

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  • Usage tracking parameters may be required to further restrict cabinet entry.
  • Items are added to the check out list by scanning the item’s barcode, selecting it from the on-screen list, or using the search function.
  • Each drawer has a light to indicate when it is unlocked.
  • The user is not able to open any drawers other than the ones containing his selected items – no cabinet “browsing” or “shopping”.
  • The drawer locks when moving to another item on the check out list.
  • Configurable timers lock unattended drawers after a specified time.
  • Inventory activities such as restock, receiving and inventory adjustments are restricted to approved users.
  • Up to 120 drawers in multiple cabinets may be controlled with one master station.
  • Additional drawers in other cabinets are managed simply by adding another controller.


  • Easy to implement. Easy to learn. Easy to use.
  • Items are secure per drawer providing restricted access and reducing inappropriate use.
  • The CRIBWARE system provides multi-level security and dynamic reporting capabilities.
  • Reduces inventory levels while improving inventory accuracy and accountability.
  • Automatically reorder and inventory level management.
  • Reduces shrinkage and increases security.
  • Utilizes bar code technology to improve accuracy, efficiency and user acceptance.
  • May be implemented as a full crib solution or as individual cabinets at the work center where items are needed.
  • Provides decentralized item control for use on the plant floor in restricted access cabinets.
  • Standard cabinetry, multiple cabinet sizes and configurations for flexible item storage.